Our Services
Pūkeko Blue Ltd provides support and encouragement for the people in our care and we encourage them to be as independent as possible by being active and contributing members of their community.
We provide a safe environment to assist in their rehabilitation by helping them achieve wellness, recovery, stimulation, comfort and happiness while in our care.
The people in our care are active participants in a variety of community programmes provided by other NGO’s, such as Skillwise and Step Ahead. Some are in gainful part time employment, and most participate in activities such as hip hop and exercise classes and going to the gym.
We take pride in providing 24/7 residential care with a team of on-call registered and enrolled nurses; available at all times to ensure the medical, mental and health needs of the people in our care are met, and we encourage families to engage and have a say in the care plans we provide.
Pūkeko Blue Ltd encourages mental health recovery. We believe in a positive recovery process and support the people in our care to manage optimal mental health and are committed to delivering consistently high standards of care for all people in our care in an environment of respect, dignity, compassion and safety, and we strive to achieve the best outcomes for the people in our care.

In accordance with our Mission Statement, it is important that we provide a wide and varied programme of activities which can be tailored to enhance the health and wellbeing of each person in our care.
To that end, it is expected that each person in our care is given assistance in completing a recreation profile which will identify likes and dislikes and afford a tailored programme of activities for the individual which should include physical and social activities that can enhance both health and wellbeing as well as provide a better quality of life.
Pūkeko Blue Ltd utilise various non-governmental organisations (NGO’s) in the community such as SkillWise, Step Ahead and Able Tours. We maintain a good working relationship with all NGO’s and actively encourage people in our care to attend, and where necessary transport to and from activities is provided.
Other activities we encourage the people in our care to participate in are walking, using the in-house gym equipment, bowls, skittles, and various board games. Staff at each house are encouraged to arrange a group lunch or picnic for the people in our care. Group BBQ lunches at the park during the summer months are always popular with people in our care and staff.
The people in our care along with staff choose and arrange day trips and outings for the house to go on. Some of the outings people in our care have been on have included: concerts, Orana Park, Motukarara Races, Diamond Harbour Ferry and the Willowbank – Ko Tane Experience.
It is our policy to ensure that each person in our care has the opportunity to attend their choice of social activity, attend church, outings, go shopping and maintain contact with Family/Whanau in the community. This is achieved through providing each Pūkeko Blue Ltd House with their own vehicle to use as and when required.
We aim to provide a good balance of group activities which build confidence and social skills as well as one-to-one activities which promote a therapeutic relationship between staff and the people in our care.